Thursday, August 31, 2006
Google Book Search Up
Your search - "vomited chili" - did not match any documents.
Suggestions:- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Try different keywords.
- Try more general keywords.
- Try fewer keywords.
I'm not impressed.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Yes, I am amused easily.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Qooqle Video: cool Japanese youtube video search and downloader.
The crayayayzy Sega Saturn commercial that pointed me to the above.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Earache! Extreme Metal Racing!! The Video Game!!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Transcript of Stephen Colbert's WHCA Speech
Friday, May 05, 2006
Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2K6

This has been going around for a while now, but I just want to personally thank this Paul Robertson person for creating such a fine piece of animation. Never have so few pixels been so very disturbing.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Photos of Immigrant Rights Rally yesterday.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sega Genesis Guitar
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Usenet Spam Hall of Fame: The stars see Andy Kaufman in your future!

Subject: Your relationships with Andy Kaufman
Date: 30 Mar 2006 21:12:04 -0800
Analyze your relationships with Andy Kaufman,
and find out what types of relationships work
best for you two.
Analyze your relationships with Andy Kaufman,
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Simpsons Movie
They played this during tonight's episode (which was pretty good for a change). But when is the Cap'n Crunch movie coming out? And will it be rated R or "hard" R?
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Wow, I think I'll get 2!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Virtual crap so lame you'll swear it's really dumb!

"Scientists say they've gotten new ideas as they watched Lytle's music animations, while elementary school children who had never shown an interest in drawing suddenly fill walls with Animusic pictures. My 76-year-old mother, who recoils from all things digital, was mesmerized by the 'Pogo Sticks' and 'Resonant Chamber' animations on the Animusic 2 DVD."
I can’t speak for the scientists/children/elderly mothers of the world, but my reaction to (*ugh*) Animusic was to fill my mouth with used aluminum foil, spray WD-40 directly into my eyes, dry hump a cheese grater, and then fire a revolver into my PC monitor.
I hate this sort of crap. The only value CG video comps like this have ever had is to showcase what shitty videogames will look like in two years. Computer animators of the world, until your primary goal (perfectly rendered boobs) has been accomplished, please go away and leave the tech demos to bored European teenagers. No offence to the demo scenesters. Check this out. That was probably made on an Gameboy running Linux or something. These Animusic guys should be planting tender kisses on Xplsv's rump instead of trying to make babies drool for $19.95 a pop. Fuh.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I AM 8 BIT 2006 (too bad it's in LA)
Friday, February 24, 2006
Myspace hacked.
Thursday, February 23, 2006 reborn as blog/wiki/site worth reading.
"Ask anyone how they became addicted to fighters and they’ll tell you a story about some amazing player they saw somewhere. What you won’t here is anything about polygons, newfangledness, or any of the rest of the stuff a marketing department can tell you about. If you want something to happen, make it happen. Stop waiting for something new and realize that you’ve already been graced with some of the finest competitive games ever created. Stop being ashamed about video games, or about the fact that your game of choice is not just another FPS. "
Street Fighter = good. World of Warcraft = bad.
"Another very important lesson was that winning at Street Fighter is a meritocracy. Your race doesn't matter. Your religion doesn't matter. The only thing that matters in a tournament is your ability to win. The community looks up to those who can win, regardless of ethnicity. There is no substitute for growing up in an environment that cares about results, rather than race. Nothing a teacher or parent could ever say measures up to that life experience about race-relations."
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 (video/quicktime Object)
Friday, February 17, 2006
It's a Wi-Fi kind of town
A Cost-Effective Touchscreen Interface for Winamp
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Reservoir half full.
New(!) Dreamcast game out in march.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
No giant buttocks glued onto Mario’s forehead.
Awesome! Think I'll play it now on my Palm T|X* via the Little John multi-system emulator. It's quite possibly the best open source app for PalmOS ever. Hell, maybe just the best app ever, period!
*Thanks Pop!
Shit Fighter vinyl CI Boys.
Cool, I want. Hmmm, not listed on Kidrobot. Eh, I'll check around later. Prolly a c-note for the whole set anyway.
Chicago Smokers To Pay Through The Nose
That's almost 40 cents a square! So why am I one of only a handfull of people in this city that roll my own?
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
You have the audacity to present me with that guitar sound, you idiot? It's an insult!
O: What's the worst song on the radio right now?
DF: Um, I don't know. What's that silly one? That one I fucking... I don't know the names of them; I just hear them. I would never purchase their... If you're all listening, I would never purchase your shit, ever. I will never support you. And mind you, these bands are selling millions, so fuck 'em. At least the big ones like us. I don't know. And we're good! Why can't we get the throngs? What is with these idiots? Why won't they come? I don't know, you analyze all this stuff after a while. Maybe it's a sex thing; maybe our band has to be more sexual, have more sex appeal. If they like your face... Almost invariably, all the bands that succeed are the ones with a lead singer who's good-looking. It's funny that that's not dumped upon, that people don't say, "You know, that's played out. That's not cool anymore. If you do that, you're an asshole and an idiot. We're going to laugh at you, as if you were in Vegas. You've got a fuzz pedal? Phhht. Blow me. You've got a big amp? Get the fuck out. Ooh! You've got big amps! Ooh! I'm impressed. The lead singer's got his shirt off?" I don't know. Bring a gun. That's got to be the new thing in rock. After the millennium, there has to be a guaranteed one death per show. Not the rock star—it's in his court. You take a chance going to the rock show. Somebody's going to die that night, guaranteed. The lead singer runs out, the band's just starting to jam, and boom! He just shoots, and then starts singing. That'd be perfect for a video.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Riot Porn

the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction<the pornography of violence>
Sunday, January 08, 2006

From the very
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Via a better blog: Bill Gates mentions Street Fighter II
Gates said that one of Capcom's most popular old-school arcade titles, Street Fighter II, will be available via Xbox Live Marketplace later in the year.That's so stupid it makes me want to pee in a hat.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Dear Hounoured Brothers of the Seventh Pillar of Slorm,

Please, before making any plans, trivial as they may be, please be sure to first check against
The Grand Master's Itinerary for any possible scheduling conflicts. We all know what a fucking dick he can be about that sort of shit.
In Scared Screed this day of Molook,
Mortimer P. Frumpybuttons
First Asst. Secretary of peeing into brown hats.

Since I found that pic at The Boombox Museum, I am a better person.
New Stiks™ on Byrdo's site.

Somewhere sitting atop a shining golden throne, some dude is totally owning on SF2 with this blessed weapon of Gods vengance. If this dude is not named Jesus H. Christ, I just found a new motherfucker to accept as my personal lord 'n' savior.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Get well, soon Ryoko.
Get ready man, here comes the fast part!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Via a better blog: Legislating your A-hole.
"Calling the ability to convert analog video content to a digital format a 'significant technical weakness in content protection,' H.R. 4569 would require all consumer electronics video devices manufactured more than 12 months after the DTCSA is passed to be able to detect and obey a 'rights signaling system' that would be used to limit how content is viewed and used. That rights signaling system would consist of two DRM technologies, Video Encoded Invisible Light (VEIL) and Content Generation Management System—Analog (CGMS-A), which would be embedded in broadcasts and other analog video content."
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Street Fighter Salsa (not nearly as delicious as it sounds)
Friday, December 16, 2005
Nerd Alert: Street Fighter controller review on
"For Customs, it's difficult to do, for example, Sagat's standard Custom: Jab Tiger Uppercut into Close-up Standing Fierce into Roll, repeat."Wow.
"I could perform things such as Ken's Double Midscreen Jab Uppercut on the pad, very basic Genei-Jin Combos, Makoto's standard 100% Dizzy Combo on Akuma, and Hugo's delayed 720's without much problem at all."
"In terms of basic use, it felt fine, and doing "Tiger Knee'd" Air Hyper Viper Beams off of Standing Roundhouse with Cable was a breeze... I think it was actually the easiest time I've ever had doing it."
I'm sure John would be honored.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Via a better blog: Hacking St. Nick.

*Be the first to find the Futurama reference in this post and win a handsome Nerd Alert™ bumper-sticker.
Come back car thief!
Mr. automobile owner, be forewarned. Tomarrow, after I turn this paper in, I am coming to kill you.
Um, no thanks.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Christmas: a time to be gay.
Video Of Santa Hanging From Noose

Open this link in Media Player, or click here if you like to watch commercials.
via a better blog: Young person does dumb thing.

In my ten-plus years of web surfing I have found that if a topic on a blog/forum has generated more comments than a person cares to read, he can scroll directly to the last one and it will, without fail, sum up the discussion perfectly. The rule goes unbroken here. Being linked by BB caused the proverbial shit-storm of comments on the page in question. The opinions voiced ran the gamut from, "you people are fucking sick" to, "knuckles are for punching". There was much mention of something called a "straight edge". However, I think the final comment* really brings it home:
12-14-2005 00:17:30*Posted with the author's permission. **
If I ever saw a girl this dumb I'd come flying across the room and punch her in the chest as hard as I could, just so that shit would all pop and she would (hopefuly) die from the infect all that burst silicione would give her and never reproduce.Projectile vomiting right now!This comment forum is now closed.
**Just kidding.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Flickr: Photoshop for Retards
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Beautiful insprirational photographs for your church's next devotional.

Have you ever just sat in your grey florescent-lit cubicle and dreamt of visiting such picturesque locals as Budapest Hungary, Wuhan China, or Le Chable Switzerland? Yeah? Well dude, that's just fucking sad. Quit daydreaming Henderson, management needs those reports filed yesterday! Maybe on your lunch break, you should check out my brother (genetic, not soul) Adam's photosets on flickr. Really great stuff. I absolutly promise you'll want to kill yourself for wasting your life counting beans in Lawndale, Idaho or wherever the hell it is you wait to die.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Nerd Alert: Awesome 3rd Strike combo video.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
blog-pile: Stuff On Fire

No reason for you not to just go ahead and bookmark it right now, but i feel compelled to write some flowery bullshit. Check it:
Matt Norwood is no sweater wearing pink-boy. No, an adventurer is he. A haggard old sea captain perhaps, taking you on a stomach-turning tour 'round the perilous Horn of Stupid off the coast of Mongoloid Isle. You travel with sound mind however, as Norwood has sailed these black waters on near 12 score years (as the crow flies). He shares tales of the wide-eyed explorers who journeyed before, only to discover their graves. Their big, dumb, wet graves.
You know actually, I guess he's some sort of weird cowboy or something.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Martin Gore still wearing those stupid goddamned angel wings.

*I'm not gay, I swear.
I always thought Johnny Cash's life would make a good movie...

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Every Video Game.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Speak English Stupid!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Need some mini-comics?

Rocked by robots.

Monday, November 07, 2005
What business does a turtle have riding a 4-wheeler anyway?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Kool Keith's 98-Year-Old Fridge

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
World Can't Wait rally in Chicago.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Pictoplasma character design archive.

Monday, October 31, 2005
Kool Keith: "Retarded people are more advanced than the normal people."

"I am just that retarded funk maker."That's right, he's the piss man. He says his next project will be called "Pissy Pete the Bed Wetter".
"I went out to Africa to see that they are banging on the bongos. You get on the train in New York , you see bongos. Everybody's banging bongos. We funky right now."
"You got your gun talking motherfuckers who just gun talk themselves to death. Then you got me. I am the piss man."
Free Culture @ NYU - DRM Protest

I think digital rights management is a horrible practice and might even peacefully demonstrate against it if given the chance, but I doubt I'll ever be this upset about it.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Dude, you shoulda been there...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Chicago Transit Authority map on Google Maps
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Retro 80's fad taking college kids by storm!
Remember what the leader says; if you're not happy, take happy pills.
Also, The Most Extraordinary Space Investigations is really good. Sarah Silverman always amuses me. Jack Black plays the villian in Laser Fart #2 so that's worth a look too i spose, but watch Utopia first.
Monday, October 24, 2005
The President's pimp hand is strong.
"'This is not some manager at McDonald's chewing out the help,' said a source with close ties to the White House when told about these outbursts. 'This is the President of the United States, and it's not a pleasant sight.'"Yeah, I'd probobly be a bit testy too . It can't be easy to have people calling you "The Most Powerfull Man in the World!" Especialy when you know in your heart you couldn't competently manage a Pep Boys station.
I wonder if he's off the wagon yet.
The most intresting thing about this article is it's the first time I've read a report that cast's Bush as a "top". With bear's like Cheney and Rove up in there I always figured he'd play catcher.
First they divide, then they conquer, and later we all get to eat cake.
BBC NEWS - Man killed in Birmingham clashes
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Images from 'Fucku Fucku Jar Mayokun' episode 1
Saturday, October 22, 2005
A Fucking Jar of Mayonaise needs friends.
"He said he wanted to be a sound engineer."
Revolutionary Mathmatics
- Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Nieuwe Turbojugend vidie eet poopendoopen.
Yup, It's dumb. Real dumb. Looks like something White Zombie might have made 15 years ago, and they sound like a Judas Priest tribute band. No deathpunk™ here.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Oh (big) brother, not again.
Monday, October 10, 2005
You are in breach of international copyright law!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Unauthorized Reproduction bill has been drafted
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Broadcast Flaggots
20 congressjerks who want the Broadcast Flag -- give 'em a call and give 'em what for from Boing Boing.
This Cracker's Salute to Hollywood
Here some realities of race in Hollywood as seen through the eyes of one lame Midwestern white guy:
•Most small town / suburban whites never come in contact with minorities outside of work or Wal-Mart. Their ideas on different racial segments of our population are almost entirely based on media portrayals.
•Hollywood has invented a fictional “grey race” to portray minority characters in able to fit them comfortably within the entertainment universe. Network sitcoms are are especially guilty of this. The Cosby kids might as well have been able to fly and shoot lasers from there eyes.
• “Realistic” minority characters are usually broad characterizations that place zero emphasis on individuality. Of course everyone knows that.
•Everything on UPN is idiotic as fuck. Most TV and movies marketed to black or minority audiences are apparently written by the KKK.
Do these things even need to be said? Whites seeking more information on this subject are encouraged to visit the Steven Urkel Museum of Media History located in South Chicago.
Do I even have the balls to watch this?
Saturday, October 01, 2005
When the UPC Symbol Takes Over Completely.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Obama on John Roberts
Friday, September 23, 2005
Wonder Bread
Here's what I threw together. I think it's just obsessive enough to be a componant. Peas.
I thought hard about what to speak on and only drew blanks.
I thought about embellishing some scrap of family history or making something up completely.
I'm sure there are many wonderful tales of family tradition and the hardships of immigration hanging on the branches of my family tree. But neither myself, my parents, or my grandparents have heard or choose to remember anything notable.
I doubt that my situation is uncommon.
Unlike the close knit immigrant neighborhoods of Chicago or New York that have celebrated their old world heritage with pride. I was born and grew up in the cultural vacuum of Middle-America that consumes the other 98% of the nation.
Some people have taken to calling it the Heartland, but any heart is purely artificial.
The view of American heritage presented to me was one of fast food chains, strip malls, and pre-fab trailer homes.
Every construct in my environment was designed to be cheap to build, quick to throw up and quicker to tear down.
I saw my small town's quaint downtown area turn into a ghost-town within a year of the Mall opening.
While our downtown wasn't Budapest, it was made up of locally owned businesses housed in well constructed buildings
Some still in the late displayed yellow and black metal signs showing that it would be used as a fallout shelter if the commies nuked us carrying out their insidious plans of world domination.
In the years before I left, that Mall became unpopular and the corporate chain stores fled back to wherever they came from. Most malls built in the 70's and 80's are empty. Consumer tastes changed again apparently.
Super Wall-Mart, Borders, The Gap built Lots on the other side of the freeway and put up tacky grey concrete and painted aluminum stores waiting to be torn down within 10 or 15 years.
my point is that it's no surprise that with the temporary nature of my community's surroundings and the near-sighted dedication to "progress" that any "antiquated" notions of heritage would be forgotten just as quickly.
Within less than 200 years, the "culture" of small towns like mine has become homogenized into a tangable sense of pride in the collective ignorance and xenophobia of the citizens.
Any cultural family ritual that doesn't begin in an automobile and end at Denny's is considered suspect.
Jews, Hindus, Catholics, Islamists, and atheists are well advised to begin worshiping our federally approved deity at the new high-tech mega-church conveniently located just off I-40.
This way the other citizens won’t worry about you holding any funny allegiances to some backward foreign land that would rather not be modernized by America’s gracious corporate representatives.
I never felt happy with this arrangement. So I have left the bland wonder bread safety of middle-America and moved into a large culturally diverse metropolitan city. I feel more at home here than I ever did in the town that I was born.
A steadily growing number young people who grew up in my situation are doing the same and many smaller cities are driving away the young talent they will need to grow economically.
The importance of cultural heritage, art, music and ceremony respected and practiced by generations for hundreds maybe thousands of years is huge and should not be lost to ideas of nationalism or progress.
I may never know where my great-great-great-grandparents were born or of the rigors of the frontier that they helped build, but the lessons I’ve learned about the fragile nature of society could be just as important.
Hi Mom!
This week my mother is visiting me for the first time since I have lived in Chicago.
I think it's best I keep that statement concise, because I've been sitting here for twenty minutes trying to write a sixty word opening statement. Mom comes to us live via frequent-flier-miles from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (the city so nice they named it one and a half times) near where she has lived since my birth. She is, like most all mothers, the sweetest, most beautiful, absolutely perfect product of genetic coupling in natural history. Mom is extremely bright, free-thinking, culturally aware, and socially conscious. These are all qualities I hope to have myself someday. She is also, I must add, great fun to spend time with, a wonderful conversationalist, and possibly the least obtrusive houseguest to have ever guested a house. I love her unendingly and am forever indebted to her, not only for her deciding to allow me physical existence, but for allowing me to develop with her guidance the thought-tunnels that I can now perceive my universe through.
Hmm, that last sentence really just makes her (or maybe me) sound like some mud encrusted hippy with no aspirations beyond bong ownership. That is defiantly not the case, as hippies are not allowed to own property or to show themselves outdoors after mid-day without the escort of an elder Christian male captain in all of Oklahoma and most of Kansas. So forget that bit about the tunnels and shit.
Not my mom.
Friday, September 16, 2005

Ministry "Twitch" LP: $2.99 - I walked over to Lorie's Planet of Sound with this album in mind. It holds a lot of high-school nostalgia for me. I sort of re-discovered it a couple weeks ago through Soulseek and haven't listened to much else since. I was happy to find this unplayed copy of Al's 1986 pre-heroin masterpiece priced just shy of $3.
Infra-Man VHS: $5.99 - Also from Lorie's. The Shaw Bro's hallucinogenic Hong Kong take on Japanese masked-rider superhero flicks. I have always wanted a copy of this. A shop in OKC wanted 80 bucks for the same damned thing. Awesome.
Conspiracy Journal: $3.00 - Apparently, "they" are all out to get me. I had no idea.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Brand New for 2005: Our full line of components redesigned to be 73% more obsessive!
Damn, it seems the last time I updated this thing was over a year and a half ago. I am completely amazed I remembered the login. Yes, the ancient god of the internets is surely watching over me tonight. And thus, it which must be done shall be done. Until ye golden trumpets toot from on yonder holy golden arches above ye promised kingdom of Jerusalem 2.0.
They ask, “But why?” Why resurrect this half-assed stab at a blog after letting it spin around Sol de la Tierra nearly 1.5 times untouched and unloved? Well friends, this week I started attending class full-time at Columbia College Chicago. You know, it’s that other art school downtown on Michigan Ave. The one where you can get work after graduation. My major area of study is audio production; however I still need to get some of my general education classes knocked out. Apparently our education in American high schools is a bit too general, and we must pay a college great sums of cash if we want to learn to write and comprehend a single language or perform long division. Anyway, my first intended GE KO at Columbia is English Comp II, which requires all students keep a journal. This caused me some anxiety at first. Must I suffer the disgrace of scribbling my secret crushes in a pink Hello Kitty diary adorned with a shiny gold lock? Thankfully, our most gracious instructor will allow the journal to be kept online. I assume that she knows someone who owns a computer with a dial-up modem or perhaps uses a public web access terminal at the airport or something. Well friends, no better excuse need I to don my bathrobe, sandals and crown of thorns and play amateur Jesus to this digital Lazarus.
Unfortunately, The whole point of keeping the journal is to practice writing, so ObCom can no longer just be my HTML driven letter to Santa (It seems Santa hasn't updated his site in quite some time either). So apologies in advance if either of the two people known to have visited stumble back to this site expecting more links to the greatest Korean vaporware of spring 2004. As for now, will mostly be me attempting to coherently string together three-hundred words per week to fulfill my journal requirement. Count on learning the tedious minutia of my day to day existence, brilliant ideas for recording and electronic media projects that will never exist save as electro-chemical impulses waiting out their time on the death row that is my cereberal cortex, and witnessing how what used to be a cute "Gen-X disillusionment" has mutated over the last 10+ years into paranoid delusions of global Illuminati conspiracies and federal mind control devices. Damn that was a long sentence. I bet my instructor puts a big red circle around that one. Oh well, it will have to do. The backspace key on this computer has stopped functioning and I can’t afford to have it replaced until the college cuts me a check for the remainder of my student loans (8.3 million USD). God speed SFS, god speed.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Friday, April 30, 2004
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Glad I didn't buy one of these yet, because Wal-Mart (no shit) has the same damn watch for $9.95. differnt logo on top, but same fukkin' watch.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
(yup, it's a lazy lowercase kind of day)