Friday, September 09, 2005
Brand New for 2005: Our full line of components redesigned to be 73% more obsessive!
Damn, it seems the last time I updated this thing was over a year and a half ago. I am completely amazed I remembered the login. Yes, the ancient god of the internets is surely watching over me tonight. And thus, it which must be done shall be done. Until ye golden trumpets toot from on yonder holy golden arches above ye promised kingdom of Jerusalem 2.0.
They ask, “But why?” Why resurrect this half-assed stab at a blog after letting it spin around Sol de la Tierra nearly 1.5 times untouched and unloved? Well friends, this week I started attending class full-time at Columbia College Chicago. You know, it’s that other art school downtown on Michigan Ave. The one where you can get work after graduation. My major area of study is audio production; however I still need to get some of my general education classes knocked out. Apparently our education in American high schools is a bit too general, and we must pay a college great sums of cash if we want to learn to write and comprehend a single language or perform long division. Anyway, my first intended GE KO at Columbia is English Comp II, which requires all students keep a journal. This caused me some anxiety at first. Must I suffer the disgrace of scribbling my secret crushes in a pink Hello Kitty diary adorned with a shiny gold lock? Thankfully, our most gracious instructor will allow the journal to be kept online. I assume that she knows someone who owns a computer with a dial-up modem or perhaps uses a public web access terminal at the airport or something. Well friends, no better excuse need I to don my bathrobe, sandals and crown of thorns and play amateur Jesus to this digital Lazarus.
Unfortunately, The whole point of keeping the journal is to practice writing, so ObCom can no longer just be my HTML driven letter to Santa (It seems Santa hasn't updated his site in quite some time either). So apologies in advance if either of the two people known to have visited stumble back to this site expecting more links to the greatest Korean vaporware of spring 2004. As for now, will mostly be me attempting to coherently string together three-hundred words per week to fulfill my journal requirement. Count on learning the tedious minutia of my day to day existence, brilliant ideas for recording and electronic media projects that will never exist save as electro-chemical impulses waiting out their time on the death row that is my cereberal cortex, and witnessing how what used to be a cute "Gen-X disillusionment" has mutated over the last 10+ years into paranoid delusions of global Illuminati conspiracies and federal mind control devices. Damn that was a long sentence. I bet my instructor puts a big red circle around that one. Oh well, it will have to do. The backspace key on this computer has stopped functioning and I can’t afford to have it replaced until the college cuts me a check for the remainder of my student loans (8.3 million USD). God speed SFS, god speed.